Commercial Hot Water Rebate Victoria

Fully Installed from $200 Per heat pump

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Commercial Heat Pump Hot Water System Rebate for Businesses in Victoria

You may qualify for more than one Hot Water System

Check if your business qualifies for a rebate to replace your old water heater with a new and Energy-Saving heat pump hot water system!

Get a rebate when you switch to a heat pump hot water system

Water heating in commercial and industrial premises is a highly energy-intensive process with significant carbon footprints.

To reduce the carbon emissions in commercial and industrial sectors and help Victoria businesses reduce escalating energy costs, the state government is offering substantial rebates on the replacement of traditional gas and electric resistance water heaters with heat pump technology-based water heaters under the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program.

The state government is also committed to being a net-zero emission state by 2050 and cutting carbon emissions by 45-50% below 2005 levels.

To reach these targets, an incentive/rebate program for the replacement of the traditional water heaters and installation of heat pump-powered hot water systems was rolled out in February 2022 as an activity under the VEU Program.

Happy Customer Feedback for commercial heat pump hot water installation at daity farm

Happy Customers
Darren had four commercial hot water systems installed at his dairy farm for only $800 out of pocket — thanks to the amazing team at iPromise Australia!

Heat Pump Water Heater Upgrade For VIC Businesses

Decommissioning of commercial and industrial gas or electric resistance water heaters and replacing them with heat pump-based water heaters is now done under the VEU program.

This upgrade activity began on February 1, 2022, under Part 44A of the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET) Regulations 2018 of the VEU scheme.

This scheme specifically incentivises:

Is Your Business Eligible for Commercial & Industrial Heat Pump Water Heater Rebate?

The following entities qualify for rebates under the VEU Program:
In addition to the above criteria, the following conditions must be met:

Which Water Heaters Are Eligible for Commercial Heat Pump Rebates?

In addition to getting listed in the Register of Products of Victoria Energy Upgrades scheme, the new heat pump unit must meet the following specs:

Requirements For Commercial Heat Pump Installation & Decommissioning of existing Tank

In addition to getting listed in the Register of Products of Victoria Energy Upgrades scheme, the new heat pump unit must meet the following specs: